Glover house, also known as Glover residence, is the first western style residence in Japan constructed by Japanese carpenters. While its architect has yet to be singled out, two Japanese names that are mentioned in old document discovered in the site have been thought to be the names of its architects.
Tomas Blake Glover was an arms dealer from Scotland who worked for Jardine Matheson Co., Ltd. He voyaged to Shanghai after his graduation in 1859 and joined the company. After that, in September of the same year, he came to Nagasaki, Japan and established Glover Trading Company as a Nagasaki branch of Jardine Matheson Co., Ltd. in two years from his arrival. Although his company originally dealt in tea and raw silk, it came to commit to arms deals with anti-Establishment forces when Japan plunged into political unrest.
Glover has mainly been known among today's Japanese people as a main investor of Sakamoto Ryoma, a historically famous figure in Japan. Ryoma is said to be one of the biggest driving force of Japan's regime change from Edo Bakufu to Meiji new government.
Ryoma mediated the conclution of a friendly alliance between two hostile powers both of which were hoping to overthrow the administration of Edo Bakuf. So the role that he played has been considerd as a significantly important one to acomplish the Japan's regime change.
Ryoma, in the first place, had no power and money because he belonged to lower class of samurai. So his courage and vitality have been respected among today's Japanese people. But his achievements would not be built without Glover's deep pocket.
Ryoma had been backed by Glover and Glover also had been backed by Jardine Matheson, an european economic giant in those days. And they attempted to defeat Edo Bakufu. This fact means that western world, in those days, had been hoping to change Japan's regime.
Kameyama-shachu is a trading company established by Ryoma and its first business was mediating the trade of 7,300 guns between Glover Trading Company and Choshu-han, one of the opposing force against Edo Bakufu. Ryoma built up his influence through this kind of business.
Glover house had a secret garret room and it had been used for the secret meeting among executive directors of anti-Edo Bakufu forces. Not only did he invest his money, but he had been committed to the revolution more actively.
Glover was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and in those days, that area had 13 lodges of freemasonry for only about 60,000 population. He had been belonging to freemasonry and its symbol mark is carved on the stone monuments standing in the garden of his house.
After accomplishment of the revolution, Glover Trading Company went bankrupt but Glover stayed as an important figure in Japanese economic world. He bought out a bankrupted brewery company founded by an american brewer, William Copeland, and established new brewery company.
That brewery company, Kirin Co., Ltd. has still been existing as one of the major Japanese brewery company. And its logo mark is said to be hinting Ryoma because 'Ryo' means dragon and 'ma' means horse in Japanese. The logo mark looks like a mixture of dragon and horse.
Tomas Blake Glover was an arms dealer from Scotland who worked for Jardine Matheson Co., Ltd. He voyaged to Shanghai after his graduation in 1859 and joined the company. After that, in September of the same year, he came to Nagasaki, Japan and established Glover Trading Company as a Nagasaki branch of Jardine Matheson Co., Ltd. in two years from his arrival. Although his company originally dealt in tea and raw silk, it came to commit to arms deals with anti-Establishment forces when Japan plunged into political unrest.
Sakamoto Ryoma
Ryoma mediated the conclution of a friendly alliance between two hostile powers both of which were hoping to overthrow the administration of Edo Bakuf. So the role that he played has been considerd as a significantly important one to acomplish the Japan's regime change.
Ryoma, in the first place, had no power and money because he belonged to lower class of samurai. So his courage and vitality have been respected among today's Japanese people. But his achievements would not be built without Glover's deep pocket.
Ryoma had been backed by Glover and Glover also had been backed by Jardine Matheson, an european economic giant in those days. And they attempted to defeat Edo Bakufu. This fact means that western world, in those days, had been hoping to change Japan's regime.
Kameyama-shachu is a trading company established by Ryoma and its first business was mediating the trade of 7,300 guns between Glover Trading Company and Choshu-han, one of the opposing force against Edo Bakufu. Ryoma built up his influence through this kind of business.
seacret garret room in Glover House
Glover house had a secret garret room and it had been used for the secret meeting among executive directors of anti-Edo Bakufu forces. Not only did he invest his money, but he had been committed to the revolution more actively.
Glover was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and in those days, that area had 13 lodges of freemasonry for only about 60,000 population. He had been belonging to freemasonry and its symbol mark is carved on the stone monuments standing in the garden of his house.
After accomplishment of the revolution, Glover Trading Company went bankrupt but Glover stayed as an important figure in Japanese economic world. He bought out a bankrupted brewery company founded by an american brewer, William Copeland, and established new brewery company.
That brewery company, Kirin Co., Ltd. has still been existing as one of the major Japanese brewery company. And its logo mark is said to be hinting Ryoma because 'Ryo' means dragon and 'ma' means horse in Japanese. The logo mark looks like a mixture of dragon and horse.
Kirin's logo and Chinese dragon
Glover married a Japanese woman, Tsuru, and lived in Japan until he died in 1911. His wife, according to theories, was a model of 'madam butterfly' a Puccini's opera. In fact, she liked clothes printed butterfly pattern and was called 'Chouchou-san', a name means Mrs. Butterfly in Japanese.
The site where Glover House is located is now called 'Glover Garden' and several antique Japanese western architectures have been brought from their original sites to the garden for exhibiting. These architectures are built in late 19th to early 20th.